My name is Alantis Perkins (Host). My name is pronounced (AH - LAWN - TEE's). But you can call me Wolf. I'm on a journey to strong trauma recovery & stability. On my journey I curate and blog about mental illness recovery and my experiences with it. I focus on patient & peer education about trauma, different mental illnesses, adversity, and resources that can help, through Liberty Moon's Mental Illness Recovery And Thrive News™.
Currently I'm working on becoming a Mental Health Educator. I've already earned one certification this far and I'm working on the remainder certifications. The Wolfpack and I are using this platform for community activism.
I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Schizotypal Personality Disorder (STPD), Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). I'm from Boston, Massachusetts but I currently live in Weymouth, MA. I'm a chill laid back gamer, who likes self-help books and the Arts & Humanities. Right now, I'm playing Pokémon and zombie games. I'm reading books related to becoming a Mental Health Educator. As a Mental Health Educator, I blog with my focus on trauma recovery and stability. I'm an orphan. I have an awesome service dog named Bentley who helps me; calm and disrupt my all my mental health symptoms, he helps me navigate my DID related Schneiderian symptoms, as well as the environment. And an amazing bestfriend Cindy who is a human and helps me a lot in life. Cindy and Bentley are my best buds. I graduated high school in May of 2010 and have some college on my resume, as well as special programs and mentors from early grade school into college. Currently, I'm studying to become a Certified Mental Health Educator & Blogger. I'm an artist, too.
I'm an orphan. I lost both my parents to their separate battles with their cancers. My mom, Gloria Perkins, passed away due to sarcoma cancer. My dad, Calvin Johnson, passed away due to lung cancer; after beating a different type of cancer.
My dad wanted to name me Calvin the 3rd but my mom intervened and named me Alantis. I like Alantis better. My name is Alantis. It's pronounced Ah-Lawn-Tee's. It's an Atlantean name but not to be confused with Atlantis the lost city of happiness. I wasn't named after the city but the angel, Alantis, the lost angel of guidance. Alantis the angel guided those to the lost city of happiness; a lot like a life coach or a tour guide, though. A lot of folks confuse the names and spelling for Atlantis and other similar names and some think I was named after Atlas, the book. I should tell the story of Alantis the angel sometime in case you hadn't heard it. Alantis is a name that takes people time to get used to. That's why it's it's easier for me to go by Wolf, sometimes Max, too.
I'm an artist, too. I'm an Alternative Fine Artist. Something else I'll elaborate in detail another time. But basically, I dabble in all art forms, including animation. My art isn't the style I choose but rather the energy of my passion. The form and styles are just a way of communicating my energy at that time.
Currently, my goals are become a good; Mental Health Educator, community man, and family man. I really do want to become a good father and uncle.
I'm also the nephew of Maurice Starr the General and the youngest son of the late Calvin Russell Johnson the Captain. They are music producers who co-created and co-produced world famous groups such as New Kids On The Block and New Edition.
My Personal Social Media
Meet My Alters
You might know some of us as;
Name: Wolf
Host: Alantis P. (Host)
Some Alters: Johnny, Alantis (alter), J.D, Freedom
System name and type: Wolfpack (organization)
Special Skills: impersonates Alantis (Host) where no one can tell who is fronting or co-hosting
2. DID Research
3. Yahoo

The host is the alter that most commonly uses the body. Host alters collectively fall under the category of fronters, or alters who frequently “front” by taking control of the body and the front, conscious part of the mind. Host alters are responsible for most aspects of daily life, though teams of fronter alters might divide up daily life into more manageable and specialized units such as socialization, academia, work, and taking care of the body

Protectors are alters that protect the body, system, host, core, or other specific alters or groups of alters.

Historian and or archivist
Historian, or archivist, alters record memories and events. Although historians and archivists are not the same, DID systems often refer to them similarly.

Internal Self-Helper
An internal self helper is an alter that holds vast amounts of knowledge about the system, alters, trauma, and/or internal workings.

Internal Self-Helper
An internal self helper is an alter that holds vast amounts of knowledge about the system, alters, trauma, and/or internal workings.

Introjects are alters that are based off of an outside person or figure. Introjects may or may not see themselves as the individual that they represent. Introjects can be based off a family member or adult caretaker who supported the dissociative child and provided a positive influence on their life, serving as a source of potential positive messages for the child to internalize. Unfortunately, introjects can also be of abusers. Abusive introjects, unlike more positive introjects, provide no comfort or moral compass for the system.

Memory/Trauma Holder
Memory holders are highly associated with abuse takers, alters that experience trauma so that other alters do not have to.

Memory/Trauma Holder
Memory holders are highly associated with abuse takers, alters that experience trauma so that other alters do not have to.

Child alters include littles, middles and teens, and the ages of each vary from system to system.

Child alters include littles, middles and teens, and the ages of each vary from system to system.

Child alters include littles, middles and teens, and the ages of each vary from system to system.

Introjects are alters that are based off of an outside person or figure. Introjects may or may not see themselves as the individual that they represent. Introjects can be based off a family member or adult caretaker who supported the dissociative child and provided a positive influence on their life, serving as a source of potential positive messages for the child to internalize. Unfortunately, introjects can also be of abusers. Abusive introjects, unlike more positive introjects, provide no comfort or moral compass for the system.

Introjects are alters that are based off of an outside person or figure. Introjects may or may not see themselves as the individual that they represent. Introjects can be based off a family member or adult caretaker who supported the dissociative child and provided a positive influence on their life, serving as a source of potential positive messages for the child to internalize. Unfortunately, introjects can also be of abusers. Abusive introjects, unlike more positive introjects, provide no comfort or moral compass for the system.

A gatekeeper is an alter that controls switching or access to front, access to an internal world or certain areas within it, or access to certain alters or memories. The existence of a gatekeeper is highly stabilizing for a system because gatekeepers can to some extent prevent unwanted switching, failure to switch when necessary, or failure to switch to the correct alter. They can help to prevent traumatic memories from bleeding from the alters who hold them to alters who could not yet handle them.

Persecutor Alter
Persecutors are alters that purposefully harm the body, system, host, core, or other alters, sabotage the system’s goals or healing, or work to assist the system’s abuser(s). Persecutors might hold self hatred or provide an outlet for internalized abusive and negative messages. They might believe that hurting the system or other alters is the only way to control them or teach them how to behave and so prevent further and more extreme abuse from outside abusers.